Tuesday, December 31, 2019

s new survey says if youre hiring new grads, you need to offer more than perks

s new survey says if youre hiring new grads, you need to offer more than perkss new survey says if youre hiring new grads, you need to offer more than perksMonsters new survey says if youre hiring new grads, you need to offer more than perks Papandrea, contributorIn New Grad Survey, we polled new college grads to get a sense of their job search priorities, how they search for jobs and how theyre feeling about their prospects.If youre a hiring manager or HR professional planning to tap into the young millennial (aka richtung Z) talent pool, their responses provide some valuable insights.Heres the highlight reelWhen looking for a job, new grads are most likely to look at specific companies of interest (47%), followed by leveraging word of mouth channels (43%), and job boards (35%). And 3 in 10 said they plan to tap into Instagram.When asked about the most important factors during the job search process, candidates prioritize schauplatz (32%) and starting salary (32%). Lower on their li st of priorities were company perks (14%), company mission/values (11%) and size of company (9%).Respondents overall are optimistic about finding their next full-time job, with more than half (59%) expecting it to take less than 1-2 months- and more than a quarter (28%) expecting it to take less than one month.Despite optimism from this group to find a full-time job, nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) currently have a side gig, and 30% said they plan to keep it even after accepting something more permanent.You may notice a couple of themes that stand out from the above results.First, candidates are fully aware that they are graduating into a strong economy, and therefore they expect to find an opportunity fairly quickly.Graduates job search game plan includes researching companies theyre interested in, asking around for referrals, job boards, and even Instagram. And finally, graduates care a lot about job location and salary. (Perhaps those pending student loan payments have som ething to do with that?)That said, heres a closer look at some of the top survey takeaways, and the impact they might have on your hiring plans.Grads use a variety of job search tacticsWhen you consider that the most popular method of job search by new grads is to go straight to company websites, its more important than ever to make sure that job opportunities are consistent and on-brand.In addition, company profile pageson sites like Monster.com, social media ads, and your own career site should be designed and optimized to appeal to young talent.Also, dont forget to think about using social media to reach younger candidates, especially Instagram.These young candidates are optimisticRespondents overall felt confident that they could find a job in a month or two, and thats likely true in the current job climate.Its a good market to be graduating into, says Andrea J. Koncz, research managerat the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).According to NACE research, employ ers plan to hire 10.7% more Class of 2019 graduates than they did from the Class of 2018. And that hiring increase is expected in 12 of the 13 major industries analyzed for the study.For employers, that means you should expect some competition, and youll have to act quickly in order to entice grads who might be shopping around for the best offer.What matters most to new gradsIf youre among those companies aiming to ramp up your new grad hiring, its good to know what this years candidates care most about.With location andstarting salary topping the respondents list of most important job factors, you might want to emphasize why your companys location is a great place to put down some roots, as well as provide applicants with a competitive salary offer to help cover the cost of living and those looming student loans.Many also expect to keep a side gig going to help cover their expenses, so keep that in mind when discussing other aspects of the job like flextime.And what (surprisingly) doesnt matter to most of themAs for what young hires dont care as much about? Ping pong tables, espresso bars, and other cool perks that would seemingly be up their alley those were actually much lower on the list of priorities, according to the survey.Another thing that went against conventional wisdom was that younger workers didnt seem to put much weight on company values and mission (with only 11% listing it as a top factor for job consideration).Perhaps its because new grads are mostly focused on getting their feet wet in that first job and earning some income, and aligning values might become more important down the road?Or maybe its because 4 in 10 respondents said they only planned to stay at their first job out of school for 1-2 years anyway.That means its on employers to not only attract grads to their open roles, but provide a clear career path that will keep them engaged so they stay on for a longer term.One thing that could help is putting together a creative benefits package that appeals to new grads.It should start with the basics Health insurance is king, according to a survey by the American Institute of CPAs, followed by paid time off. But third in that survey was student loan forgiveness, indicating that debt is a huge consideration for many grads, with retirement planning a less pressing concern.Getting your new grad hireIf you are able to get graduates to apply for your open positions, thats a great start but making them feel comfortable might be needed to seal the deal.One way to do that is to give them the opportunity to meet with peers, which 45% of respondents said was the most helpful way to figure out if a company was the right fit for them, followed by meeting the manager (42%). In other words, take the time to introduce them around to the younger members of your staff and maybe let them shadow.Of course, dont forget that graduates expect to get started working ASAP, so do your best to keep the hiring process moving along otherwi se, you could lose them to a more nimble competitor.All in all, graduates are eager and optimistic, and employers are hiring. Based on the direction of the stock market and the overall economy and how healthy it is, its a good time to graduate and look for a job, says Koncz. On the employer side, its up to you to stand out.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Expert says even your standing desk cant save you from dying, but this might

Expert says even your standing desk cant save you from dying, but this mightExpert says even your standing desk cant save you from dying, but this mightDeception, thy name is standing desk.For years, workers have been told that if we just raise our desks for 30 minutes after lunch, we will live forever (or something like that). Entire offices have been remodeled based on this concept. For a while, people dutifully stood, adjusting their laptop screens for point of view.But the same man who sold us on standing - James Levine from Mayo Clinic, who in 2011 told The New York Times Magazine that excessive sitting is a lethal activity - has now decided were doing it all wrong.When Christopher Keyes, editor of Outside magazine, calledup Levine, the doctor had some dismal news.Its leid the furniture that makes the difference, its the behavior, he told Keyes. The desk without the behavior doesnt help you.Oh, standing desk - how thou hath betrayed us. Apparently, hours casually leaning on a stool to reach our elevated desk arent what we need, either, and cool office installations wont save us. Were doomed.Wait, no, sorry. Thats not actually what Keyes said. In fact, there are plenty of ways for us to model the behavior Levine is referencing. Theyre just a little more tedious.The stillnessis whats killing us, Keyes writes. We should be pacing the hallways and climbing stairs and squatting and lunging and stretching.In fact, we should be spending two to four hours on our feet during work time - and in case those numbers dont compute, thats a lot of hours. We need to be doing pushups and wall sits, climbing stairs and going for strolls around the office. The question is, how?Keyes has gotten stealthy about all of it. Using an app called Move, he gets notifications every 45 minutes that he has to complete a random exercise. And he follows orders, but inconspicuously.I do push-ups with an ear cocked toward the door, listening for approaching footsteps, Keyes writes. I do wall sits in a corner that no one can landsee from the hallway. While Im on the phone, I pace as if Im carefully deliberating vital magazine business.For those who are interested in not dying, Keyes has come up with a basic schedule to show what three hours of daily movements would entail. Heres what he suggests7 a.m.Morning run(45 minutes)830 a.m.Walk to coffee shop(10 minutes)915 a.m.25 push-ups (1 minute)10 a.m.Wall sit (2 minutes)Walk around the building plus three flights of stairs (5 minutes)1045 a.m.20 body-weight squats (2 minutes)Trip to far water fountain (3 minutes)1130 a.m.Pick up papers at printer plus two flights of stairs (4 minutes)1215 p.m.25 push-ups (1 minute)15 side lunges, each leg (2 minutes)Plank pose (2 minutes)Pacing during phone call (10 minutes)1 p.m.Walk around buildingfor quick meetings(10 minutes)Desk yoga hip openers, seated eagles, spinal rotations, shoulder stretches (5 minutes)2 p.m.25 push-ups (1 minute)230 p.m.Walking meeting(45 minutes)330 p.m.15 Hindu push-ups(1 minute)20 side leg raises(1 minute)415 p.m.Chair pose (1 minute)20 body-weight squats (2 minutes)Walk around the building (5 minutes)5 p.m.Plank pose (2 minutes)20 burpees (2 minutes)545 p.m.Walk around building plus four flights of stairs (5 minutes)Not trackedWalking to and fromthe car, roaming thegrocery store, playing with my kids, etc.Are you game?

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Successfully Ace Your Next Marketing Interview

How to Successfully Ace Your Next Marketing InterviewHow to Successfully Ace Your Next Marketing Interview Whether you are a absatzwirtschaft expert or a student that recently graduated, the competition out there is tight, and the ability to prove results in your next absatzwirtschaft interview is essential. Most companies are searching for a marketing professional that can come in, implement innovative ideas and work smart to generate a return on investment. With our helpful tips, you can set yourself apart from the rest of the candidates during your first interview if you use our best practices.While it is good to have on the job experience in marketing, companies are more likely to hire a professional that has their own social media following. You dont have to be the top social influencer in your city , but it will show that you are serious about your career because you share work from your portfolio and favorite industry articles to keep followers engaged. Think of it as positioning yourself as a subject matter expert in your field. It may seem like unnecessary work but the knowledge gained while building a following on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter can be used to help your employer win over new customers. The goal is to deliver maximum results within the first ninety days of employment.Dedicate Time to Researching the Company Do you want to impress a hiring manager? One of the best ways to accomplish this is to understand the company culture and be familiar with how the organization is impacting your community. We highly recommend that you are familiar with the companys annual revenue, competitors, and its target audience. If you complete a thorough amount of research, you can briefly outline a case study about the company on an issue it faced and how they were able to overcome the problem with a solution. The hiring manager will be impressed that you went the extra mile to educate yourself on how the organization operates .Prove How the Employer Can Profit from Hiring YouBesides dressing to impress and understanding your industry, you need to think of yourself as a business. It means explaining marketing challenges at your fruchtwein recent job, the steps you took to solve the problem and financial gains achieved. It is wise to departure creating a folder of revenue that you helped your current employer gained. This information will help you effectively promote how much you are worth to a potential employer. If you won an award for a successful marketing campaign, mention this as an example before the interview ends. Another good point to include is how you can see yourself helping the company in the first 90 days of employment. If you have the time, create a 30-60-90 plan and highlight the most important points that will establish you as a thought leader .Pay Attention to What the Hiring Manager SaysMost marketing professionals are wired to be creative when questioned. As you are listening to the hiring manager speak, try to remember what matters to her the most and the description of the professional that the company wants to hire. When you answer the interviewers questions, tailor your answers to what is important to the hiring manager. An interview can be a stressful experience, but when you have control over your thoughts, it will give you the power to present yourself in the best way possible.Remember that there are powerful interview questions that most employers ask. Take the time to figure out how you will answer these questions, and it will feel more like a conversation than a nerve wrecking interview.Successful marketers take advantage of free certifications to enhance their skills . One course that is worth completing is the Google Analytics certification which is free. The last thing you want to do is add you are a guru in analytics and AdWords on your resume and you are unable to define it during an interview. Be prepared to explain it like a subject m atter expert to impress the hiring manager. The other certifications to consider before you start applying for your dream job are Hootsuite, Google, and HubSpot.Remember Our Success Tips for Your Next InterviewThe marketing industry is constantly changing. It is vital to stay on top of the latest news to position yourself amongst the competition. If you use this article as a blueprint for your next interview, you will be more prepared to carry on a conversation about where you can fit in the company. Most importantly, marketing is about solving customers problems by effectively communicating a companys products and services. Once you use the advice we outlined, you can start a new chapter in your career in the job that you deserve.Makeda Waterman is a professional writer with an Education in Journalism, Mass Communications, and Public Relations. She writes for the Huffington Post Canada and Elite Daily on millennial topics with the goal of helping people improve the quality of thei r lives and career.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

This Valentines Day, Find a JOB You Love!

This Valentines Day, Find a JOB You LoveThis Valentines Day, Find a JOB You LoveEveryone wants to find a perfect job to love, but it can be elusive. Thats why this Valentines Day, we at Simply Hired have decided to focus on helping you find that dream job. Well leave the relationship stuff to other websites.Before we dive in, we should preface this by saying its very rare to find a job that youre happy with all the time. Just like any relationship, every job has its ups and downs there is no way to avoid this reality. However, you can find a job where the ups outweigh the downs, and the chance for work to make you truly happy abounds.Here are seven tips to help find that sought-after job1. Set a career missionJust as in love, its impossible to find what youre looking for in your career if you dont know what you want. So think about where you want to be at the end of your career, and what you want to have contributed. Do you want to own your own company or become a published author? Maybe you want create the next great mobile app or find a position with enough flexibility to spend time with your family. Whatever your mission, use it to help you select a job that will help you reach your goals. Although it may be unrealistic to know exactly what you want to accomplish in your entire career, having an idea to work from is much easier than going at it completely blind.2. Know what you valueIn buchung to find a job you truly love, you need to know what you value. Think about what items are important to you in a job. Whether you want flexibility, a big salary, the opportunity for creativity, or security, if you know what you value, you can better identify if a company and job is a fit for you.3. Know your strengthsOne of the best ways to find a job you love is to pursue jobs where you can excel. You should play to your strengths. If youre an extremely creative person, look for a job that demands creativity. If you excel at leading teams, develop a career in manageme nt. If youre persuasive and love talking to people, consider a job in sales. Determine the skills you possess and then start mapping them to befhigung careers.4. Recognize your weaknessesMany job seekers get distracted by company perks, salary, and other factors, and neglect to think about the qualities of a potential job that indicate it may not be a good match. If youre a night owl, a job that requires you to be ready to work by 6 a.m. wont be a good fit no matter how great that 401k match. Make sure you honestly identify your weaknesses and preferences to truly find a job you love.5. Find a mentorMentors can be a great inspiration. They can give you direction, assist you in decision-making, introduce you to important connections, and help you grow as a professional. They can also help you identify what to expect out of your job and in your career. Consider finding a more experienced colleague in your field to help you evaluate your potential dream job opportunities.6. Research th e jobWhen considering a new job, many candidates make the mistake of trying to win the job rather than truly evaluating if the job is a good fit for both the company AND the candidate. Make sure you know what you are getting into before the first day of your dream job. Find out what former employees say about the company. Read up on peoples experiences in different departments. With this information you can make an educated decision about whether a potential job is a good fit.7. Evaluate all of your optionsSince job listings moved to the web, it has become increasingly easier to miss a great job opportunity. There are just too many job listings and too many websites. This is where a site like SimplyHired.com comes in handy. Since Simply Hired indexes all the job listings on the web, a job search here means youre seeing all the jobs currently available.In order to avoid sifting through thousands of openings on job search websites, use search filtering to zero in on the jobs for you. Be sure to enter in your level of experience, location, and job type (full or part time). This will enable you to see only those jobs that are relevant to you.Now you have seven tips to help you find a job you loveGood luck and happy Valentines Day

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Biology Major Potential Career Paths

Biology Major Potential Career PathsBiology Major Potential Career PathsBiology majors study the behavior, classification, and evolution of living entities called organisms. This natural science encompasses specialties such as microbiology, marine biology, ecology, zoology, physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and botany. Students can earn Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees. After earning an undergraduate or graduate degree in biology, some students enter professional health science programs including those in medicine, dentistry, podiatry, optometry, and veterinary science. A Sample of Courses You Can Expect to Take Associate Degree Courses Principles of BiologyChemistryOrganic ChemistryBotanyEcologyGeneticsMicrobiologyMarine BiologyMolecular Biology and Genetics Bachelors Degree Courses Introductory BiologyIntroductory Cell Biology and GeneticsGeneral ChemistryOrganic ChemistryBiochemistryPhysicsHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyHuman GeneticsField BotanyEvolu tionPhysicsCalculusMammalogyHerpetologyOrnithologyEnvironmental Evolution Graduate Degree (Masters and Doctorate) Courses Modern Laboratory TechniquesMolecular MedicineMolecular EcologyEukaryotic GeneticsVirologyNeurobiologyGenomics and Human Molecular GeneticsPeople, Plants, and PollutionEvolution of Animal BehaviorAnatomy of VertebratesAquatic Field Ecology Career Options With Your Degree* Associate Degree Environmental Technician, Agricultural Technician, Food Science Technician, Laboratory TechnicianBachelors Degree Forensic Scientist, Microbiologist, Zoologist, Conservationist, Environmental Scientist, Biological Technician, Biologist, Food and Drug Inspector, Laboratory TechnologistMasters Degree Microbiologist, Zoologist, BiologistDoctoral Degree Professor, Microbiologist, Zoologist, Biologist *Includes only career options for those who graduate with a degree in biology. This does not include options that require earning an additional degree. Typical Work Settings Ind ividuals who have earned biology degrees typically work in laboratory settings. Those with advanced degrees, for example, masters or doctoral degrees, do independent research. Biology PhDs may teach in colleges and universities. How High School Students Can Prepare for This Major High school students who are thinking about studying biology in college should take courses in all science disciplines, for example, chemistry, physics, and earth science, as well as in math. This will provide a foundation for their college coursework. What Else You Need to Know This major is also referred to as biological sciences.Related majors include biochemistry, bioengineering, and neurobiology.Students who plan to continue their studies in biology in graduate school should earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree. A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is appropriate for students who plan to pursue graduate studies in another academic field since, as a liberal arts degree, it is more broad-based.While there are jobs available for individuals who graduate with an associate degree or with a Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in biology, students who earn a masters or doctoral degree have a wider range of opportunities from which to choose. To qualify for a job that involves doing independent research, one typically needs a doctoral degree in Biology.Those who want to earn an advanced degree in the health professions often earn a bachelors degree in biology first.Getting as much laboratory experience as possible- through internships and by working with professors as a student assistant- can improve your chances of getting into graduate school and of getting a job. Professional Organizations and Other Resources American Institute of Biological SciencesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)American Society for Cell BiologySociety for Developmental BiologyAmerican Society for MicrobiologyInternational Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Whats Really Going on with How to Write Skills on Resume

Whats Really Going on with How to Write Skills on Resume Make certain each item has professional price. Then make a list of your matching skills that it is possible to incorporate in your resume. Dont think that, to be able to make it stand out, you ought to use a unique font style and size for this section. Using bullet points is recommended. Utilizing bullet points enable you to list the important information quickly. Ever since your skill section is just a list of the absolute most useful job skills, there isnt any need to write in sentences here. There are styles of preparing your skills section that may totenstill show you in the very best light. How to Write Skills on Resume Options Utilizing action words with hard skills is a massive plus. Its possible to look on the internet for a list of soft abilities or hard skills to provide you a few ideas. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. If you t ake a close look at the list of examples of transferable abilities, you can realize that they are essentially the exact same as the soft skills. Hiring managers want to be aware of if you ought to relocate. Resumes should always first make an effort to cater to a certain job opening or industry. Employers today still look at the resume a crucial bit of a work candidates file. Employers and recruiters are going to be able to rapidly understand your career progression. Most Noticeable How to Write Skills on Resume Although each resume should be tailored to the requirements of the open role, there are a number of crucial skills that employers want. Just take a little time to consider the skills you have acquired over recent years. Hard abilities, on the flip side, could be taught and learned on the way. Maybe youve employed your listening skills to fully grasp how it is possible to employ your understanding and experience to enhance the operation of others on your team still attempting to learn the ropes. How to Write Skills on Resume - the Story Its vital to make sure your work experience listed on your resume reflects your abilities. Skills If there are a number of forms of skills which are important to the job which youre applying for, you can include several skills list in your resume. Some say it is the hard skills that ought to be included, since theyre those that are less difficult to quantify and measure, which means performance evaluation is more objective. Other skills that you need to look at including are transferable skills. Perhaps your skill set is entirely different. A career goal must be written in a persuasive method. In the event that youre excited to compose your livelihood targets and goals, youre ready to deal with the approaching points. A goal to make the pupils achieve there dreams. If youre asking for a punkt that demands an extremely particular set of skills like a technical or engineering job, then the employer will probably need to realize that youve got the appropriate hard skills first. Maybe you were lucky to land a great job in a good company that knows the way to look after its employees. Its so important to be sure your soft skills are extremely clearly communicated in the body of the resume. Before you jump into writing down all of the incredible talents youve got, lets learn somewhat more about what skills employers typically start looking for on a resume and see whether its possible to incorporate any in your skills section. Knowing the distinction is crucial when you desire your skills on a resume stand out. Whenever you are able to ensure you provide the specifics. There are three sorts of resumes, each with its own benefits and pitfalls.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Interview Candidates Abroad - Spark Hire

How to Interview Candidates Abroad - Spark HireExpanding internationally is an exciting step for your business and having the best talent in the right position is of key importance when it comes to the international success of your business.Have you stopped to consider how you will interview candidates abroad? Its important to consider several options and make your plan accordingly.One-Way Video InterviewsOne-way video interviews can help you to make initial decisions. When phone calls overseas are outrageously priced, consider having candidates complete a one-way video interview during the initial interview stage.Getting the key questions out in the open early on, which will make or break a candidate for the job, is essential. One-way video interviewing lets you binnensee the candidate responding to your questions on video and you can re-play this video as much as you would like. Talk about convenienceLive Video InterviewsIn the initial interview stage, it can be difficult to unders tand if you have the right talent when you are unable to visually see the candidates. Lets face it, traveling overseas is quite expensive and it does not really make sense for you to travel early in the interview process to interview candidates that you are unaya of. This is when live video interviewing can save you a lot of time and expense.Live video interviewing your candidates will allow you to actually see the candidates excitement and interest in the job. Even better, it will also allow you to see the candidates reaction to certain interview questions. This can tell you a lot about the candidate.Travel to the InterviewThe last and least cost effective piece of this interview process is to physically travel to the candidates or make arrangements for candidates to come to your office. This is something you would not want to do in the early stages of interviewing. It is more valuable to wait before scheduling travel until you are down to final candidate selections.If you are trav eling to interview your candidates, or if you are traveling candidates to you, the key for successful interviews is organization and planning. In order to make the most of the travel time and cost, you need to have a clear interview schedule and make sure the candidates know when and where to be for the interview.How do you interview candidates abroad? Please share your tips in the comments below.Image STori/BigStock.com

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Best Investment Advice Youll Get All Year

The Best Investment Advice Youll Get All Year The Best Investment Advice Youll Get All Year Like most people, Ive seen my 401(k) drop in value, the few stocks I own have taken a beating, and the value of my house has surely fallen, although I havent asked since I dont plan on moving any time soon. None of these investments turn out to be worth what I thought they were and like, everyone else, Im now skittish about investing. Whats the point in saving for retirement if it can all be wiped out? Whats the point in investing in your home, if its value could drop below the value of your mortgage?If you feel the saatkorn way, theres one investment you can make that you wont ever regret an investment in yourself.Think about it if you invest in yourself, then the results are up to you. You wont be dependent on banking executives or mortgage brokers or politicians. Youll be dependent on you.What might that investment look like? That really depends on your circumstances and your dreams.For m e, it means investing in growing my business. For you it might mean investing in professional job search help a good resume and search strategy can increase both your interviews and the salary offers you get. Or it may mean investing in further education did you know that unemployment among the college-educated is currently only around 4%, while the average for everyone else is heading for 10%? Maybe you have let some of your technical skills fall behind and classes would help. Maybe you could take classes to shore up areas of weakness, such as public speaking or leadership.Perhaps youve always wanted your own business but havent wanted to risk your savings on pursuing that dream. Or maybe you have your own business, but havent updated your website or marketing materials in years.And if youre short of money, dont forget that an investment doesnt have to be financial. You can commit to invest time and effort in developing your self or your business instead.Whatever your situation, this financial crisis offers an opportunity to think about investing in the only person you can really trust to provide solid returns YOU

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your private office messages are never actually private

Your private office messages are never actually privateYour private office messages are never actually privateThe rise of instant messaging platforms being used in our workplaces has made communication mora efficient and productive- and casual.Its this factorthat can be especially dangerous for businesses and employees. We all get a little loose sometimes, treating work as if its home and maybe getting too familiar with coworkers. The integration of pictures and video, like GIFS and emoji, into office chats encourage acasual tone where lips get loosenedand gossip flows easily in a stream ofscreenshots and Michael-Jackson-eating-popcorn gifs.In this funenvironment, it can become all too easy to fool ourselves into thinking that our private communications of jokes and gossip are just between us.Theyre not.All of your internal communications on business software usually belong to your employer, no matter how banal, as seen by the trial between the Gawker media company and professional w restler Hulk Hogan, in which thousands of private messages between journalists became a matter of public record. Editor Max Read recounted the surreal experience of watching his former co-worker explain a Hogan joke he had made in a 2012 internal chat to opposing counsel.The chats were a bibles worth of career-compromising comments, some of which would make me very uncomfortable (if not unemployable) if it got out - a wealth of gossip and prattle I should have just conducted inperson, he wrote.Hislessonis one that has been reinforcedby a long line of people having their private chats and emails exposed youre being watched by servers and employers, so watch what you say.Have your sensitive conversations face-to-faceYou can avoid putting yourself in a precarious position by telling your colleagues to move a conversation face-to-face when a discussion could get dicey. That doesnt mean that you can say inappropriate things face-to-face and expect them to vaporize immediately people have memories and they will repeat your comments no matter where they hear them or see them. But it does mean youre much better off if people with bad motivations cant take a screenshot of your comments and take them out of context.Its also good practice in general to discuss sensitive subjects in person. Tone can be hard to read over messages.Although the onlineplatforms themselves foster thisparty environment where any GIF goes, they also caution against employees falsely thinking that theirfun communications are private. Slack, a popular platform with over a million users, stands for Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge.Through Slacks Plus plan, employers can access all of your direct messages, chats and files from public and private channels.It is important to remember that it is still business software, Slack Julia Blystone told NPR about the chat platformsprivacy limitations, and anything you communicate on a workplace device using a workplace network may ultimately b elong to your employer.One long-term stepto avoiding embarrassing fallouts is educating yourself about cybersecurity and what your companys Information Technology policies are. Surveillance is generally on the side of the employer and employee monitoring tools are only getting more sophisticated and lucrative. According to the tech firm 451 Research, employee monitoring is a$200 million-a-year industry.Your downloads and web surfing are visible to your company tooEmployee trackinggoes beyond just what you say. The future of employee monitoring is in trackingwhat you do in the workplace.Take the example ofAnthony Levandowski, who was accused of taking Waymo trade secrets to his new employer Uber. Analysts believe that Waymo used employee monitoring tools to figure out Levandowski had allegedly downloaded confidential files.Being cautious about what you communicate via instant message is one part of being aware of this new landscape. As any lawyer will remind you, anything written dow n can become asubpoenable, permanent record for the court of your peers to judge. Even if it doesnt go that far, it can be part of a paper trail that can cause you trouble. Think twice before writing down anything you wouldnt want to explain one day in court or in front of HR.If youre a manager, you can regularly remind employees that their communications at work arent private, especially on official equipment like company-issued cellphones and laptops.Network administrators can see every website and every bit of traffic that comes from the companys servers. And if you see a coworker not doing himself or herself any favors in their use of office chat, slip them a reminder.Your social media accounts are also not totally privateAnother risk is social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn in which users are easily identifiable even if you think an account is yours personally, what you say on it could get you fired, like one banker whose inappropriate overtures on LinkedIn resulted in him losing his high-paying job.And if you cant avoid doing a sensitive conversation online, consider using the secure, end-to-end encryption messaging platform ofSignal. But keep in mind in some industries, like finance, all your work-related conversations have to be visible for legal reasons. Even printers have a fingerprint that show where printed pages came from. Theres no way to really keep something private using technology.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Rules of Being Friends With Your Co-workers - The Muse

The Rules of Being Friends With Your Co-workers - The MuseThe Rules of Being Friends With Your Co-workers If youre lucky, you dont hate your co-workers. In fact, if youre really lucky, you probably like them a lot, and maybe you even want to turn the relationships into full-on friendships (ah, scandalous). After all, you landsee these people all day, every day, so it only makes sense you want to take it to the next level.Its normal to want friends at work- and its actually crucial to your career success. Because as I said, you spend fruchtwein of your time on the job, so when you dont like the people you work with, it makes getting through the day a lot harder. When you enjoy each others company, youre bound to have a lot more happy (and productive) days.But before you start making friendship bracelets, there are a few rules to getting buddy-buddy with your colleagues.1. Dont Push the Boss-Employee RelationshipGIF courtesy of GIPHYIm going to get real for a second No matter how much you and your manager have in common, and how much fun you have together, he or she is still your boss. This doesnt mean you cant talk about non-work stuff or spend time together outside of the office- it just means you have to be a bit more cognizant of what you choose to discuss. The same goes for being friendly with your direct reports. Regardless of your company culture, you 100% need to remember that you want this person to respect you- and that a few, small choice comments can erode respect all too quickly.2. Do Be ConsiderateGIF courtesy of GIPHYYour work buddy may live in the same neighborhood as you, or they may live in a town youve never heard of. They may be married with kids, or they may cringe at the thought of a family.Friendship doesnt discriminate, but how you choose to hang out can. If, for example, your co-worker cant do happy hour with the rest of the kollektiv because they have to pick up their children, be open to suggesting ideas that happen during the workday- say, substituting happy hour for lunch at your favorite restaurant. Or, if you know they dont drink, plan to grab coffee rather than drinks. Acknowledge the fact that while everyone may want to hang out, theyre all coming from different places, with different priorities and different backgrounds. So rather than writing people off because they dont want to do exactly what you want to do, be flexible. Youll make way more valuable connections that way.3. Dont Be Clique-yGIF courtesy of GIPHYHaving a group of friends in the workplace is great But you know whats not so great? Being the adult who started a middle school clique in a grown-up office. By only hanging out with a few people and not making the effort to get to know others, youre likely alienating your other colleagues- and honestly, probably making your job harder in the process. (Josies far less likely to do that favor for you if she discovers that you invited everyone but her to grab coffee.) So, every once in a while, break the routine of only hanging out with your favorites and get to know the rest of your team. 4. Do Be YourselfGIF courtesy of GIPHYYou may feel inclined to act a certain way in order to fit into the company culture and make friends. But real, honest friendships form when youre yourself, not pretending to be someone else (I know, am I a Hallmark card or what?). Plus, if you want to bring the relationship to a second location- a.k.a., leave the office- you dont want people to be confused by the way you act when youre not sitting at a desk. Finally, putting up a face is just plain exhausting- and on top of everything else you have to do, a waste of energy.As a result of being yourself, you may not click with everyone you work with, and thats OK. As long as you find yourself in the company of people who like you for you.5. Dont Rush ItGIF courtesy of GIPHYLike any friendship, the ones you make at work take time. You may be only a few months into your new role and wondering why you dont ha ve a work wife yet. Or, you may be desperate to invite everyone you work with to your birthday party- before youve established your reputation as a hard worker first (what Im saying is that you want everyone to know that youre great at your job before you let them see you three beers deep). If youre feeling a little lonely, cut yourself some slack, give it time, and read this article on four ways to make friends. If youre more than a few months in and still struggling, you should ask yourself some questions, such as Are you attending optional social events? Have you asked anyone to grab coffee? Are you sitting at your desk all day with your headphones on? It could be that you work in an unfriendly office (and if so, Im sorry), or it could be that youre unintentionally sending the message that youre not there to make friends. As long as you follow these (highly recommended) guidelines, youre on the right track for forming meaningful connections with your colleagues- connections that wont just make even the worst job bearable, but your life outside work better, too.